Join Tori for an Ultimate Dumbbell Booty Workout! We recommend you load up on dumbbell weight here - listen to your body and pick a weight that is a challenge for you.
Pregnancy safe.
Take us to the gym with you!
15 x Squat 3 Sec Hold
15 x 3 Pulse Squat L Heel Raise
15 x 3 Pulse Squat R Heel Raise
15 x Narrow Lunge 3 Sec Hold
15 x R Side Lying Dumbbell Clam 3 Sec Hold, Option to add extended arm, Final hold 10 sec
15 x L Side Lying Dumbbell Clam 3 Sec Hold, Option to add extended arm, final hold 10 sec
15 x 3 Pulse Weighted Pelvic Curl, final hold 10 sec - hold -
15 x 3 Pulse Heel Raised Weighted Pelvic Curl, final hold 10 sec
Repeat x 2 or 3 rounds! ENJOY!
Up Next in 4 Week TBT
Booty Camp 5
Get ready for a serious burn in this 20 minute Booty Camp workout with Tori, using our XXFirm Booty Band!
- Pregnancy safe (remove band at any time). -
Power Pilates 6
Milly takes you through a Power Pilates workout using not only dumbbells but also an ankle weight. She will work you from top to tail - with what she likes to call a little "energy snack" between body parts.
Most Loved Live - Pilates with Tori 0...
Join Tori for a classic Peaches Pilates class that requires no equipment. This full body workout targets everything - legs, booty, obliques and core.