The CBF Challenge

The CBF Challenge

*Download the workbook below!* Introducing the CBF Challenge - for the gal who just can't be f*cked.

Join us for a 7 day event designed to hit RESET on your RUT.

No time to workout? We feel ya! That's why we'll be delivering daily 10 minute workouts directly to your device, guaranteed to boost your motivation and endorphin levels in an express format.

Too tired to move? Let us help. All we're asking is for you to join us on the floor, equipment free, for 10 minutes. You won't believe the difference in how you can feel in less time than the average insta scroll. Harsh truth: if you can't manage that, we can't help ya.

Too stressed to commit? Take a breath. Then another. We understand how overwhelming life can get. That's why we've curated an achievable goal: incorporating daily life practices into your routine proven to reduce stress levels and enhance sleep quality - like the mini meditations we'll be offering each day. During this challenge, we'll strap the training wheels on and coach you through a week of new skills, slowly building momentum and setting up healthy habits that are realistic - so you can turn them into a lifestyle; then we'll give you a gentle push in the right direction, cheering you on as you steer the ship.

CBF Cooking? Tori thought you might say that.... that's why she's hooking you up with daily 5 ingredient recipes. No need for a grocery list full of fancy bits and bobs - just easy, nourishing and delicious recipes you can whip up with very little time - and even less skill.

This is not one of those instagram makeovers promising to change your life in 7 days. It's the first 7 days of your journey to balance, health and happiness, and we're here to set you on the path.

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The CBF Challenge
  • CBF-Workbook.pdf

    63.4 MB

    This workbook will be your bible over the next 7 days with us. Within it you will find your daily recipes, workout and meditation calendar and so, so much more.

  • CBF Day 1 - The Day Starter

    Day ONE of the CBF Challenge, baby! Join Tori for her Day Starter workout - a session designed to kickstart your morning, get your blood moving and deliver endorphins quick smart. Thanks for taking this 7 day journey with us - let's get stuck in, Peach!

  • Feel Good Energy

    Join Mia for a medi designed to remind you of your power. It can be so easy to get lost in listening to our inner critic. The one that tells us we’re not good enough or feeds us with negative thoughts. So this meditation connects you back to your power within - to bring about feelings of confiden...

  • CBF Day 2 - Legs 11 Mins

    Alright Peach, it's day 2 of the CBF Challenge and I know you're wondering when you'll wake up with what I like to call LLB - 'Legs Like Bec'. Whilst it would be unethical of me to garaunteeeee such a claim, I CAN promise that THIS class will work every little muscle on those leggies of yours. A...

  • Overcoming Anxiety

    Join Milly for a beautifully soft and affirming medi designed to help you both understand and begin to banish feelings of anxiety. You are held by us within this community, Dear Peach - we hope you know that.

  • CBF Day 3 - Cardio Burn

    It's day 3 of the CBF Challenge, and it's time to get that heart rate lifted, Peach. Join Laura in Byron Bay for a quick as a flash cardio burn. We promise it'll be over before you know it - hit play, baby!

  • Body Love

    Mia is back with a beautiful Body Love medi. Let’s face it, sometimes we feel sh*t about our bodies. But we don’t want you to waste one more second obsessing about your outer shell. This medi is designed to bring you back to loving the skin you’re in and reminding you of what you already know: yo...

  • CBF Day 4 - Posture Perfect

    Day four of the CBF Challenge - it's time to give your posture some love, Peachy Pie! Join Tori as she takes you through a 10 minute session dedicated to strengthening your posterior muscles - aimed at relieving aches and pains, improving your posture and having you stand just that little bit tal...

  • Feeling Gratitude

    Join Mia for a gratitude meditation: Designed to broaden your perspective and bring clarity to an overwhelmed or doubtful mind. Bringing you back to what you have and what’s important, this medi is sure to lift your energy and get those feel good feelings pumping.

  • CBF Day 5 - Deep Core Burn

    Day five of the CBF Challenge - let's get that core working! Join Laura for a 10 minute sesh dedicated to a deeeep abdominal burn. Go Peach, GO!

  • Fill Your Cup

    Join Milly for an uplifting meditation to help Fill Your Cup to the brim with positivity, gratefulness and calm.

  • CBF Day 6 - Sweaty In 10

    You've made it to day 6 of the CBF Challenge! To congratulate you, we're rewarding you with another cardio workout. Thrilled, I'm sure? Join Bec for one of her signature sweaty sessions. 10 minutes, go get it done Queen!

  • Ready To Rest

    Milly is back with a soothing medi to get you Ready To Rest. The perfect bed time buddy - designed to help you let go of the day behind you, and promote a peaceful, restorative sleep.

  • CBF Day 7 - Whoop That Booty

    It's your FINAL DAY of the CBF Challenge, Peach! You've made it - and naturally, it's time to round things off with Tori for a delicious, juicy booty burn. All you need is the floor and 10 minutes - LESGO!

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

    A meditation for times of difficulty, or if you're in need of some self care and feelings of warmth. Take some time out to be kind to your mind today.