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Watch this video and more on Peaches Pilates Online

Peaches Strength - Rotation Station with Laura

September 21 Day Challenge • 40m

Up Next in September 21 Day Challenge

  • Stretch & Meditation

    Mia treats you to a beautiful stretch and meditation. This 25 minute class is for when you're feeling called to slow down and pause. It's time to give back to your mind and body with this beautiful body release followed by a guided meditation that will bring you back to centre and fill up your cu...

  • Peaches Strength - Strong Sexy Arms w...

    It's all in the title - Peach. Let's get strong, sexy arms with our girl Soph! If you have the luxury of a few dumbbell options that is fab - 2-5kg.

  • Connect To Your Core

    This class with Sarah is going to level up your understanding of how to engage your core in common Pilates exercises. This 25 minute workout is totally equipment free and will target your entire core - transverse abdomonis, pelvic floor and obliques.