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Watch this video and more on Peaches Pilates Online

Cardio Barre

Barre • 31m

Up Next in Barre

  • Barre & Arm Burn

    Our Barre Queen is back with a killer 20 minute class. Grab your 1kg hand weights and chair and get ready to feel the burn. Laura uses the chair to target your legs and glutes and uses the hand weights and mat work to strength and tone your upper body.

    - Pregnancy safe

  • Booty & Barre Basics

    Join Milly for a Barre -without the barre - inspired workout. This 20 minute class focus' on the boot - starting on the floor and finishing with a spicy standing series.

  • Express Barre Burn

    This is the energy fix - or kick up the butt - that you need on those days when you simply feel MEH! Join Tori for an express barre burn using the Pilates ball. You can use a chair, railing or kitchen bench as a barre ;)

    Suitable for trimester 1 of pregnancy.