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Watch this video and more on Peaches Pilates Online

Strong With Bec

20 Minutes • 24m

Up Next in 20 Minutes

  • Plank and Ball Challenge

    One of our most loved new classes to land on the app - Laura's Plank and Ball Challenge! We hope you're ready to shake, sweat and swear, Peachies - cos your core is about to get a run for it's money.

  • Power Booty

    Join Tori for a resistance based workout dedicated to the PEACH! This is a great workout to take to the gym with you - feel free to up the kgs on your dumbbells, but always remember, form over weight!

  • Express Ankle Weight Sesh

    Join Tori for a 25 minute sesh using the ankle weight! Work your booty, waist and arms in this dynamic class - where the ankle weight is used for targeting your triceps as well as the upper body.