Join Tori for a resistance based workout dedicated to the PEACH! This is a great workout to take to the gym with you - feel free to up the kgs on your dumbbells, but always remember, form over weight!
Up Next in 20 Minutes
Express Ankle Weight Sesh
Join Tori for a 25 minute sesh using the ankle weight! Work your booty, waist and arms in this dynamic class - where the ankle weight is used for targeting your triceps as well as the upper body.
Barre & Arm Burn
Our Barre Queen is back with a killer 20 minute class. Grab your 1kg hand weights and chair and get ready to feel the burn. Laura uses the chair to target your legs and glutes and uses the hand weights and mat work to strength and tone your upper body.
- Pregnancy safe
Booty & Barre Basics
Join Milly for a Barre -without the barre - inspired workout. This 20 minute class focus' on the boot - starting on the floor and finishing with a spicy standing series.