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Watch this video and more on Peaches Pilates Online

October Challenge

Express Ankle Weight Sesh


Up Next in Week Five

  • Power Top To Toe

    Because adding dumbbells to a Pilates workout is always a good idea. Laura incorporates heavier resistance to traditional Pilates moves to challenge and strengthen your muscles. This 30 minute class is a full body burn and will even have you breaking a sweat. Grab your dumbbells and get ready to ...

  • Foam Roller Challenge

    Join Tori for a workout that she has designed to challenge your balance - AKA your core strength. You'll find all of our favourite Peaches Pilates moves using the foam roller to spice things up in this full body class.

  • Let's REALLY lift!

    Join Bec & Hux for a strength circuit. This 20 minute workout is designed to safely encourage you to pick up some heavier weights. No this does not mean you'll get bulky - it does mean that you'll build muscle mass that will keep your joints healthy. Bec is using 5-7kg dumbbells but as she explai...