Post Natal Guidelines

Post Natal Guidelines

Congratulations, mama! Welcome to The 4th Trimester. We are so honoured to be joining you on your journey back to movement after birth.
Before we begin, your body has gone through some HUGE (and inspiring) changes; so we need to ensure you're ready to join us online.

All 4th Trimester participants within Peaches Online must:

- Have attended a six-week postpartum checkup with their healthcare professional, and received clearance to commence exercise.

- Continue to follow the advice of their doctor / obstetrician / midwife / physio, and modify or pause their exercise routine when recommended.

We also strongly advise that you book in to see a Women's Physio now that you have given birth. Physios can provide a fantastic level of in depth care, and assess your muscle function, as well as further aid your recovery through thorough checks of areas like your pelvic floor, deep core muscles, and back health.

**Deciding when to return to exercise after a pregnancy is a hugely personal choice, and of course birth factors and possible complications in your delivery and pregnancy will play a large role in when you feel ready. The general rule with gentle Pilates training is 6 weeks post birth, however a caesarean birth will push things back to at least 6-8 weeks post baby. Again, we highly recommend seeing a women’s Physio to be cleared for exercise post birth - they’ll be able to give you a detailed rundown of how your core, pelvic floor and more are healing, and can advise what movement is best to start with for your body.

Post Natal Guidelines