Pilates Form 101

Pilates Form 101

Join our founder Tori as she talks you through basic Pilates form - from Perfecting Your Plank, Dropping It Like A Squat or connecting to your TA - we've got the essentials covered!

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Pilates Form 101
  • Perfect Your Plank - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori talks you through perfecting your plank.

  • Drop It Like A Squat - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori explains how to get the most out of your squats by correcting any common form mistakes.

  • TA - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori explains how to easily connect to, and activate your transverse abdominis - or as we like to call it at Peaches, the Pilates Corset!

  • Spinal Alignment - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori talks about spinal alignment such as imprint and neutral spine, so you can get the most out of your movement and avoid aches and pains when practising Pilates.

  • Whiny Wrists - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori talks about how to deal with WHINY WRISTS!

  • Point And Flex - Pilates 101

    In this Pilates 101 video, Tori talks you through the articulation of the ankle joint for a point and flex.